About Me

Historian. Archaeologist. Storyteller. Librarian. Julia's diverse interests have intersected with each of these careers and characterize her unique perspective as a multimedia storyteller. Her professional journey demonstrates the value of interdisciplinary inquiry and a commitment to intellectual excellence.

At Skidmore College, Julia graduated with highest honors with a dual degree in History and Anthropology and a minor in Media and Film Studies. There, she encountered professors who embraced creativity in the classroom. Under their tutelage, Julia’s academic career was anything but boring–she studied medieval technology by building a functioning crossbow, immersed herself in the politics of the Roman Senate by roleplaying Marc Antony in class discussions, and excavated artifacts from the remnants of a Victorian manor on campus.

These unique academic experiences ignited Julia’s passion for storytelling in communication and education. She continues to apply this perspective as a graduate student at Rutgers University, where she is pursuing a Master of Information (and not just because it sounds cool). Grounded in library and archival sciences, her coursework allows her to delve deeper into the tools, techniques, and theories of effective and responsible communication. Julia centers her passion for social justice and political change in her academic work, undertaking research projects on book bans, political socialization in adolescents, and the usage of memes in political discourse. Recognizing the importance of entertainment in education, she is committed to working on projects that share meaningful information in accessible, engaging, and empowering ways. She works with local movements to advocate for voting reform, social justice projects, and community arts initiatives.

Julia’s insatiable curiosity has begun what she hopes will be a lifelong journey of seeing the world. From film school in Boston to archaeological digs in western Ireland, star-gazing in chilly Adirondack winter evenings, and touring Mayan cultural sites in the Yucatan Peninsula, she seeks experiences to enrich her understanding of different cultures, landscapes, and histories. As she dreams of further adventures, Julia keeps busy exploring this world and others through books in her New Jersey home, with her two cats and partner for company.